Why should you choose Infopillar?
For a low monthly rate, Infopillar provides hosted services for Infopillar
Complete Accounting, Infopillar Trading, Infopillar Customer Portal, and our
custom solutions at very affordable price.
No Hassle
You can take advantage of Infopillar with just a simple Internet connection.
This is what we mean by no hassle:
No need for extra hardware that you need to replace every few years.
No need for software licenses for Windows Server, Terminal Server, or SQL
No need for dedicated staff to keep Infopillar running.
Think about the money you save in hardware, software licenses, and support
staff. With Infopillar, these are all taken care of.
Tailor-made for your needs
Customer is our first priority. We know our customers and we are dedicated to
meet their needs. Infopillar consultants are here to make sure that your
business can take full advantage of our solutions.